Design-Forward San Diego Summit 2016

Brainstorming Brainstorm Business People Design Planning

The 2016 San Diego Startup Week (SDSW) brings fresh focus to the importance of human-centric Design Thinking for growing a successful company. Human-centric Design Thinking is an integral part of the innovation process, from the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) phase through funding, early growth and maturity. Early users will accept limited functionality if the product provides real and unique value. But these same early adopter users have limited patience for a bad user interface or poor customer experience. Infusing human-centric Design Thinking into the early design is necessary to keep the users engaged until they understand the product’s value to them. In presenting the value of the product to the User in a way that can be understood and appreciated, Design builds value into the product.

Critical Design Thinking adds value to the user experience physically, emotionally and aesthetically. Understanding the User’s perspective at the moment in which an interaction occurs is fundamental, and can only be realized by observation and then analysis to discover those common patterns that exist in all experiences. It is the mission of Designers to extract those fundamental needs for the user experience and ensure that the product or venue meets and serves those needs.

DDSTUDIO focuses on the phase following the first implementation of an idea, when value has been achieved and a rigorous and disciplined design process is necessary to perfect the brand identity of a product for presentation to a larger audience.

We are pleased to support our San Diego Community during Startup Week. Please join us this Thursday 16 June for the Design Forward San Diego Summit. We will be supporting the research and design salons, bringing our expert designers to help companies understand the importance of early design focus and a long term commitment to human-centric Design Thinking.