Recently, DDSTUDIO Senior Industrial Designer Lee-Anne Stossell was featured at IDSA’s Women in ID Show, an event held in San Francisco that highlighted the work of 11 professional women (and 7 up-and-comers) making waves in the industrial design community. Lee-Anne’s work was put on display for hundreds in attendance at Astro Studios, where the women were celebrated for their innovation, passion, and workmanship.

Because we think Lee-Anne is kind of a big deal, we want you to get to know her better. Read on for a Q&A with our uber-creative colleague!

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medical device design

The Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) named DDSTUDIO a finalist in the 2014 International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA®) competition—a recognition of design excellence in products, interaction design, service design, strategy, research, concepts and student designs in categories ranging from automobiles and commercial products to medical equipment and home furnishings.

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